Club Spotlight: Interact Club and Trivia Night

Avery Torrison

The Interact Club hosts club activities in the Den on Thursday mornings at 7:30 am along with events like Trivia Night to raise money for charities.


“In general meetings, usually we’ll- the officers will make a slides presentation with information about our upcoming events,” Caroline Hartmann said.


The officers will present the information then have the members do related activities, such as hanging up flyers, making posters and signs, or more specialized activities like writing trivia questions. Some meetings have games and group activities for the club members to get to know each other.


Each semester has one main event. The first semester event is a 5k that benefits a local non-profit the club votes on. This school year the non-profit was Courage Connections, a group that helps prevent domestic violence and offers a safe space for women and teenagers. The officers will plan the event before bringing the rest of the club in to promote it and make posters.


“There’s a lot of volunteer opportunities that come with that too,” Leyla Khan said.


The second semester technically has two big events. Trivia Night comes first and was hosted a few weeks ago. The club members come up with questions and create flyers for the event. The club advertises to the community and those who wish to participate can create a team for the event. This year the organization chosen was Austin’s Place, a local women’s shelter.


This year was the 5th annual Trivia Night. The Trivia Night went really well and attendance was much higher than it was in the previous year, with 11 teams compared to the 6 in the past. 


“It went really well, we ended up raising $765 for Austin’s Place, which is, I think, also the most we’ve raised before for that event,” Hartmann said.


The second event, which is coming up, is the Caring Carnival. The event is done with other high schools in the area. The Central Interact Club is in charge of planning the volleyball portion which means they’ll be creating flyers and reaching out to people who are interested in making teams. 


The club offers volunteer hours during meetings. Things like hanging up posters along with volunteering opportunities with events around town like community cleanups. They prioritize volunteer opportunities that don’t take much planning but will still help the community by making them available at least once a month.