Lady In Waiting: Chapter 13

Jules Hopkins, Features Co-Editor

Begging was not something Anne did often. It always seemed rather foolish, an action for people who were too lazy to work for what they wanted. Asking for help already stirred discontentment in her stomach and begging was really just asking with added despair.

For Eliza though? Anne was certain she would beg until her eyes were dry and her voice was hoarse. For Eliza, Anne was terrified that she would give everything she had and more. The issue was that the same was true for Katherine. Anne was prepared to sacrifice everything for Katherine. She had always been overly reverent when it came to those she loved. Apparently romance was a whole new level of worship for her.

So, although she hated to, Anne began to beg with wet cries as she kneeled on the cot before her princess. Her hand burned where the sharp sword dug into her hand but it didn’t feel like pain. It felt like a promise.

The ladies watched her beg on both knees. Jane who is clumsy was shaking and Catherine who likes to bake was pushing her into her side. Jane who has no manners was grabbing Jane whose father is a farmer by her arm as the woman held a mace above her head while staring in utter confusion.

And Katherine. Dear, sweet, beloved Katherine, simply stared at her with stone gray eyes. Her arms shook with lifting the heavy sword.

“Mhmm…” Eliza broke the silence with a low whine. She blinked away the crust from her eyes.

It wasn’t hard to tell when she realized how full her room was because she pulled the blanket further up to fully cover her chest and let out a yelp. Jane, whose father is a farmer, nearly fell back as she tried to hold the mace higher.

“What-” she exclaimed, brow furrowed. Her hair was tousled and her cheeks flushed.

There was a moment where no one said anything. It wasn’t silence but it was equally peaceful.

Then Lady Anne cleared her throat and said, “Right then. We’ll just be on our way.” She smoothly rotated on her heel and began to push the stunned ladies out of the room. Katherines arms were still shaking but she made no move to drop the sword or follow Anne out of the room.

“Now wait, I’m not sure that-,” Eliza was cut off by a wild, wide eyed glare from Katherine. The sword momentarily twitched towards Eliza’s throat again but, when Annes hand began to flow blood rather than drop, it was quickly swept away and set laying on the floor.

With a huff, Katherine hopped onto the bed and settled herself beside Anne. The bed was not nearly large enough for this but Katherine didn’t seem to mind pushing Eliza away to gain more space.

Cradling Annes bloody hand, Katherine looked around the room for something to stop the bleeding. Her eyes locked onto Eliza’s tunic.

“You, thief boy, rip Anne a bandage from your shirt.”

“I take offense to being called a thief boy. I assure you I’ve committed far more interesting crimes.”

“Would you prefer to be called a rapist, boy? Rip the shirt.”

Eliza scoffed and the blanket remained squarely over her chest but the sound of ripping fabric filled the room. “Relax princess, Anne and I didn’t do anything.” She frowned for a minute before turning to Anne. “Did we do anything?”

“N-no? I don’t think so?” Anne replied slowly.

“Well which is it? No or you do not think so?” Katherine demanded, grabbing the thin strip of cloth from Eliza’s outstretched hand.

“No, we did not… do anything.”

The princess nodded. “Good.” She began to wrap Annes hand.

“Wait, why do you care if Anne and I have sex?”

“Rape is not sex, I assure you.”

“You’re avoiding the question.”

“I am clarifying. Do you know what that word means?”

“Sure do. Means you’re a pretentious little bi-”

“OKAY!” Anne yelled. “I’m glad you two are getting along.”

Eliza and Katherine both glared at her then at each other. It was only once they looked away that Eliza looked at Annes hand.

“My god, that is the worst bandaging attempt I’ve ever seen. Shove over.”

Katherine looked down at Eliza with disdain. “So you are a thief, a rapist AND you take the lord’s name in vain? The Devil will have such fun when you die.”

“I did not rape Anne!” Eliza exclaimed as she redid Annes bandage.

“Your pants lay on the ground. You mean to tell me that you, a ruffian, are laying naked in bed with the finest of my ladies but you did not so much as touch her?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“One of us is a fool and it is not I.”

“Do you always talk like that?”

“Yes,” Anne blurted out. Katherine looked at her, affronted.

“Like what?”

“Yes Anne,” Eliza asked, her lips twitching into a smirk. “Like what?”

Anne blushed. “All…fancy and uptight.”


“Mhm, I agree with Anne. You use all these hoity-toity words.”


“All done,” Eliza said. She let go of the bandage but did not drop Annes hand. Instead, she brought it to her mouth and kissed the cloth-wrapped hand.

“Your highness, if you would kindly wait outside.”

“What for?”

“Well, since you keep mentioning my pants, I understand you aren’t keen on seeing me without them.”

“Oh.” The blushing princess stood up, grabbed the sword from the floor and turned to Anne before she left. “I will be listening. Do not attempt anything untoward.”

Eliza rolled her eyes. Once Katherine left, she stood. Anne whipped her head to look away.

“Like you haven’t seen me like this before,” Eliza scoffed.

Anne, with red cheeks, let her head hang. “I’m sorry Eliza.”

The thief’s head whipped around. “How do you know that name?” She asked angrily.

“You told me. Last night. You said not to call you Henry anymore.”

Eliza looked towards the door. “Well I don’t think well when drunk. Call me Eliza again and I’ll slit your throat.”

Anne felt no fear but nodded anyway.

Eliza dressed in silence. Finally, she sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped.”

“You were in your right to.”

“Doesn’t mean I should have.”

The two stared at each other for a moment before Annes head dropped in defeat. “Did I-” Eliza paused to think for a moment. “Did I kiss you last night?”

Her face had never been more red. “Y-yes. You did.”

“Oh.” Eliza paused. “Did you like it?”

Annes head shot up once more. Pause and then she, with no large amount of confidence, said “Yes.”

Eliza sat back on the bed and leaned towards Anne. Her breath still smelled of beer. “Want me to do it again?”

“God yes.”

The two crashed into each other, mouths bruising and hands flying to find a hold on one another. For 2 blissful minutes, it was just them. Then, someone began to beat on their door.

“Anne? Are you alright?” Katherine asked.

Anne tore away from Eliza. “Fine, thank you! Be right out!”

The lady and the thief stared at each other. “We should probably join them.”


Anne blinked. “You know, Kate probably won’t start worrying again for a few minutes.”

“Oh really.”

5 minutes later, the two stumbled out of the room with messy hair and ruffled clothes. No one seemed to notice.