Chronicle Editors Share Their Favorite Dates

Janani Pattabi

Chronicle Editors Share Their Favorite Dates

By Janani Pattabi

Valentine’s Day has become synonymous with chocolate, flowers, and other large displays of love. However, at the Chronicle, we think that the best thing about the holiday is getting to show appreciation for the people that you care about. If you’re looking for some fun activities to do with anyone dear to your heart, romantic or otherwise, the Chronicle has got you covered! Our editors reveal their favorite date ideas and reasons why they think it may be a good fit for you. 


Julia Hopkins, Features Co-Editor: Getting Lunch

Most people are familiar with the phrase “the quickest way to someone’s heart is through their stomach.” Julia seems to be a firm believer in this sentiment. When asked what her favorite date activity to do was, she responded with “Always go to eat because you can never go wrong with eating.” She prefers going out for lunch as opposed to the more formal mood usually implied with dinner. Her favorite place to take people in the ‘Chambana’ area is The Courier Café. Her go-to meal is a trip to the salad bar, a Reuben sandwich, or wings. She also highly recommends getting a milkshake there. She enjoys going there because of how quiet it is. “You kind of just sit there with yourself and them and it’s like ‘We’re all alone.’” 


Brianna Freeburg. News Co-Editor: A Night Out On the Town

For Brianna, finding something fun and engaging is the most important thing. So what better than skating? “I think for dates in skating is really cute.” she said. “The most fun I’ve had hanging out with friends is going to Skateland but I think ice skating would be cuter date-wise.”  Luckily you won’t have to choose between the two as we have a Skateland in Savoy and the UI Ice Arena. Brianna also loves having “Karaoke Nights” at Star Karaoke in town. “Sometimes people are a little embarrassed because [they] think that they’re bad singers.” she explained. “But with people you’re comfortable with it’s just having a fun time laughing and being loud.” 


Sarah Jacobson, Opinions Editor: Some Friendly Competition

If you’re looking for something more active, you might want to try Sarah Jacobson’s recommendation for mini-golfing. You could check out the mini-golf course at Old Orchard Lanes & Links! If you’re up for something more competitive, you can keep a tally of scores with the course’s score sheets. For a calmer option, Sarah also suggests going to Starbucks. It’s a great option as there are plenty of locations in town so you’re sure to find one that’s convenient to go to. “Starbucks has a nice atmosphere and the drinks are really good.” she explained. Her favorite order is Pink Drink, made out of strawberry acai juice, coconut milk, and strawberry pieces.


Samaira Sandil, Managing Editor: Binge-Watching

For Samaira, it was a little more difficult to pick something to do in town. “My overall thoughts are there isn’t much to do around here.” she said. So, her favorite activity is staying home and watching shows or movies. She recommends this for the benefits of alone time, especially when dating as students. “If you’re around age…whenever you hang out with your significant other, you’re probably around a lot of people.”She explained. She encourages others to find moments for themselves and their partners. “Stay in, have some time alone, get to know each other better, and watch something you both like and explore your interests that way.” She personally enjoys watching action movies, but her favorite show to watch has become The Owl House. 


El Dager, Specials Editor: Dinner and a Movie

It’s hard to go wrong with a classic and what’s a more classic date than enjoying a movie after a delicious meal? “In Champaign, we already have so many good places to eat so it’s really hard to go wrong.” El explained. “I also like to cook so if I’m making dinner, I’ll tell [my partner] to come over.” If you’re looking for some good eats around town, they mentioned going to Sakanaya (for a more upscale option) and Culver’s (for a more casual atmosphere). If “breakfast for dinner” is your thing, El mentioned that “Cafe Bene has a really good waffle.” For movies, they’re “a sucker for a kids movie,” but often watch rom-com or action movies during dates. 


Alex Curry, Photo Editor: Finding Beauty in the Mundane 

For Alex, some of the best time she’s spent is shopping or going to bookstores. Market Place Shopping Center is a great place for some retail fun or if you’re looking for something more local, downtown Champaign is a good place to go. For finding books, Alex enjoys going to Barnes and Noble but also really likes the Urbana Library since it’s a bit cozier. Along with that, Champaign has Jane Addams Bookstore and The Lit for more local options. Alex really enjoys these two activities because of how they can strengthen a relationship. “If you think about it, they’re really boring tasks.” she explained. “But doing mundane things with the person you want to be with can help build that bond because you’re now trying to find things to talk about…and instead of having everything stimulate you all the time, it’s like ‘Let’s take a moment to sit down and think about what you like and think about [what] I like.” 


We’ve come to the end of our list and we hope that you’ve found at least one idea that you might want to try! If you’re still looking for ideas, you could try having a painting date where you purchase mini canvases and acrylic paints as suggested by Teacher Choi or just enjoy some special heart-shaped foods, which is one of my personal favorite things to do. Alex mentioned that for February, Slim Chickens is selling heart-shaped waffles and Dunkin’ Donuts is selling heart-shaped donuts. The Chronicle hopes that you have a great Valentine’s Day.