Honors Day 2023
May 15, 2023
On Friday, May 12, 2023, the Honors Day ceremony was held in the North Gym at Champaign Central High School from 8:15 a.m. to around 10:45 a.m. This annual assembly recognizes seniors’ achievements as they prepare for graduation.
Seniors received awards for their academic achievements, community service, and for classes, clubs, and other organizations for which they have participated in. Scholarships were also given to seniors for their excellence. About two weeks prior to the event, seniors receive a letter in the mail if they are going to receive an award at the event. Senior Allison Hobson, who received the CUSF Difference Maker Scholarship and the Senior Athlete Nathan Read Award, expressed that she was pleasantly surprised to receive the awards that she did. “I wasn’t expecting the Senior Athlete award so it was a great surprise. I was very grateful to receive the awards,” she said. Similarly, senior Brianna Freeburg expressed that she was shocked that she had received the Outstanding Senior Science Award, saying, “I did not have very high grades during my junior year, but I just thought, I might as well apply anyway. I was nervous but when I got it, I was really excited and relieved.” Senior Janani Pattabi also said that receiving an award made her feel “really happy and grateful”.
When asked what they liked about Honors Day, all three seniors gave thoughtful answers. Freeburg said that she likes how the jazz ensemble plays as people walk in and out, and how it’s “definitely less awkward than pure silence”. Pattabi said that she liked how they sent out digital programs to all the students and staff, so that “everyone could get a sense of how long the event was going to be”. Hobson also expressed that she appreciated this time of recognition for the seniors, and how it was fun to see her classmates get recognized for their hard work. “So many seniors do amazing things and are such great people, and I’m glad that we get to be recognized!” she said.
On the other hand, they gave suggestions on how the overall setup of Honors Day could be improved for next year. Hobson said that she wishes that when letters are sent home in the mail, they would specify which awards the student would be receiving at the event. She expressed that the anticipation “made me a little more stressed”. Pattabi also mentioned how she wishes that they didn’t announce each person who was going to give the award or scholarship. “I think that the event could have been a little quicker if they let the person giving the award just introduce themselves,” she said.
Nonetheless, Honors Day is a great time of the year that recognizes seniors for all of their hard work and dedication during their past four years of high school. Hopefully, this annual celebration at Central will continue on for years to come.