Finals are coming up, and students all around will soon be trying to recall the information they’ve learned this semester. During this stressful time, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to structure your time and what you can do. This article includes a variety of study tips for all learners to hopefully help you succeed for finals!
- Efficient Note-Taking
Effective note-taking can benefit you greatly as you prepare for finals. It’s a good practice for retaining information and provides a good resource to look back on as you are studying.
The best notes often don’t include every single bit of material, but rather the most important parts. It helps to have a general idea of the information that will be covered before you receive it, so you know precisely what to take notes on.
The most important part is that the notes work for you. Figuring out what technique works best for you is essential to the notetaking experience. Some people enjoy color coding, others draw cartoons; the method is entirely up to you to experiment with. Here is a list of just a few note-taking methods to consider:
- Outline
- Cornell
- Boxing
- Mapping
- Blurting
- Highlighting
- Drawing
2. Time Management
Managing your time well is very important to studying well. While cramming the night before can get the job done, you’re more likely to retain the information if you spread it out before your test. Studying a little bit a day and going over what you’ve previously reviewed will help you absorb the material much better.
Allocating specific times for your studying can help you organize your thoughts, and focus effectively on each subject. Section out specific times when you’re going to study for your certain subject and make it a point to study for that long. Try to keep it realistic, so you can stick with it! Some may find it helpful to use a focus app or something of the like, to keep track of the time.
3. Teach Others
Many studies– such as this one conducted by the British Psychology Society– show teaching others information is a very effective way of retaining that lesson. By recalling the topic in such a format, you’re thinking of it in a way similar to how you would in a test.
For this method, you could teach an actual person, such as a friend, sibling, or other family member. You could also apply this to less cognizant beings. Teaching your cat or stuffed animal material could prove to be just as effective. For this method, it’s recommended to try to teach without notes, to pull further on your knowledge.
4. Make it Fun!
Studying, while important and tedious, does not have to be boring! Making studying a fun experience can make it more enticing, and help you retain information.
This could be done in various ways. There are many study games one could play, such as Quizlet, Quizizz, and Kahoot. These make the experience of studying more fun and also allow you to retain more information.
You can also make studying more enjoyable by creating a good environment for yourself! Declutter your space, put on some relaxing music, and grab a snack. Find somewhere designated to study where you can focus, such as the library or a desk. Use materials that work for you and make you happy, such as nice pens and paper.
Making your study space more appealing can motivate you to study more, and make the experience overall more enjoyable. This leads to a further inclination towards studying and better productivity.
5. Practice Makes Perfect
One of the best ways to study for a test is by simulating the environment you’ll be taking it in and practicing. Recalling the information in a similar setting allows you to remember it better when you’re taking the test itself.
When doing this, put away phones and distractions, and have with you the materials you’d get on the test, as well as whatever review material you have. Try to get through the review materials, then look back over when you’re done. Mark anything you missed to review, then go over them again to firmly cement them into your brain.
6. Take Breaks
Taking breaks is very important for the studying process! Sometimes, you feel stuck and trapped in your work, and it feels as if you aren’t going anywhere. In these times, you can lose steam and gain frustration. In this case, a break may be needed.
Get up from your desk, and do a little something for yourself. Stretch, get a glass of water, play a relaxing game; do a little something that’s not studying. What’s important is that you hold yourself accountable for returning to studying. Setting a timer could be beneficial here, so you can take a rejuvenating, restful break, and then come back to academics.
7. Get Help
Studying is not an adventure that needs to be embarked on alone! Sometimes we need another person, either to bounce ideas off of to check our work or simply to keep us company so we know we aren’t alone. Whatever the case, getting help is a great idea!
At Central, there is Homework Help in the Commons every Tuesday and Thursday, where teachers are available to aid you with homework. This is a great place to go if you need help from a teacher, or are simply looking for a good study space.
And here you go! Here are some tips to help you study for Finals. I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck on your tests!
Charlotte Heads • Dec 4, 2024 at 12:46 pm
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