Initially, I thought Thanksgiving was underrated because Christmas is a more widespread holiday. The proof is on Visual Capitalist “Ranked: America’s Favorite Holidays”, where 36% of people say Christmas is their favorite day of the year and 23% saying it’s Thanksgiving.
Though when looking over everything, thinking about what happened, and hearing other people’s opinions, I now think there’s a lot more to Thanksgiving.
At first, my thoughts started changing when of the 52 people interviewed at Central High School 29 (79%) of them said they think Thanksgiving isn’t an underrated holiday, with a few people even saying that Thanksgiving is overrated.
This was the first time my opinion started changing and I felt that maybe, Thanksgiving isn’t actually underrated. So I continued with the article with that in mind.
The next reason was Ms. Polarek, a math teacher at Central, saying, “Thanksgiving isn’t underrated, but stores pushing Christmas decorations early gives the impression, but I don’t think it actually is.”
With this my opinion fully changed from thinking Thanksgiving is underrated, to thinking Thanksgiving is just a normal holiday and just gives off that impression of being underrated because of Christmas.

The interview with Rorik Cordell, a junior at Central, furthered my opinions of Thanksgiving being a fairly rated holiday when he said, “I think that if people say it’s overrated they don’t have a very good Thanksgiving.”
When I thought I was done with this topic it turned out, no, I wasn’t and there was so much more that I had to do. So I thought about it and there are a lot of other reasons why Thanksgiving is underrated.
For one, Thanksgiving itself seems more like a dinner with family than an actual holiday with most Thanksgiving decorations are just Halloween decorations which haven’t been taken down yet. Followed up with early Christmas decor makes Thanksgiving obsolete in comparison.
Thanksgiving is also repetitive with saying how thankful you are for something and then eating food. Most people say the same thing, “I’m thankful for my family,” or, “I’m thankful for the food,” and there’s no variety to it.
Even Saint Patrick’s day feels more like a holiday because it has a gimmick and is considered underrated by most people. While Thanksgiving is considered one of the major holidays but despite this it isn’t actually treated like one.
So to conclude, Thanksgiving is not an underrated holiday but definitely an overshadowed one and should be treated with more festivity instead of being an informal family dinner.