Lady Anne Bennet lay on the couch, staring at the ceiling. She had attempted to sleep but Anne Rolfe (who will henceforth be known as commoner Anne) had spent the whole night tossing and turning. Typically,...
Lady Anne Bennet yacía en el sofá, mirando el techo. Había intentado dormir, pero Anne Rolfe (a la que de ahora en adelante se la conocerá como la plebeya-Anne) se pasó toda la noche dando vueltas...
Stonecastle had neither a castle nor any building made of stone. It was several shacks made of wood, grass, and hay huddled into a large looping circle. The streets were empty. Henry and his gang walked...
Stonecastle no tenía ni un castillo ni ningún edificio de piedra. Eran varias chozas de madera, hierba y heno apiñadas en un gran círculo circular. Las calles estaban vacías. Henry y su pandilla los...
Un fuerte golpe afuera de la tienda despertó a Anne de su lugar en el suelo de la tierra. Las otras damas se levantaron rápidamente, acercándose juntas hasta que no podrías decir dónde comenzaba una...
A loud thud outside the tent shook Anne awake from her spot on the dirt floor. The other ladies shot up, curling themselves together until you couldn't tell where one Jane’s leg started and another Jane’s...
Hello ladies, gentlemen, and assorted wenches! Due to unforeseen circumstances, Lady In Waiting: Chapter 15 will not be published in this issue. Tragic, I know! I would hate to leave you with no content...
Jules Hopkins, Features Co-Editor
• February 13, 2023
The carriage was silent. The man sitting across from her had captivated Anne. The few words he spoke had placed him squarely in the ‘dangerously exciting’ category of men. His clever wit and silver...
Jules Hopkins, Features Co-Editor
• February 13, 2023
“So they had sex then.”
Lady Annes head shot up and turned to face Lady Jane Asper. “I beg your pardon.”
“Anne and Henry? They had sex.” Her head was tilted ever so slightly to the side...
El carruaje estaba en silencio. El hombre sentado frente a ella había cautivado a Anne. Las pocas palabras que pronunció lo habían colocado de lleno en la categoría de hombres “peligrosamente emocionantes”....
Jules Hopkins, Features Co-Editor
• January 30, 2023
Did you look back on the old Lady In Waiting chapters and go: wow, this is awful! Introducing the rewritten chapters of Lady in Waiting! The same plot you love but now it's bearable to read and the continuity...
Jules Hopkins, Features Co-Editor
• January 17, 2023
Begging was not something Anne did often. It always seemed rather foolish, an action for people who were too lazy to work for what they wanted. Asking for help already stirred discontentment in her stomach...